We often find difficult to fully accept people for who they are. Yet, all we want is to be fully accepted, especially in our relationships. The biggest obstacles to peace and harmony in the relationships and life in general are our conditioned expectations. They withdraw us from the present moment into the neverland. When the situation is too difficult we often tend to project, blame, block, distract or give up instead of trying to process, accept, learn and evolve.
Acceptance is possible when we become aware that we all are and every moment is unique. The present moment is all there is. Every soul has its own path.
The next step is to realise that we are not alone, everything is interconnected.
The Oneness between the Self and Ultimate Reality, is the true expression of Love, the Divine within us that makes us complete and can not be taken away from us.
Once we become whole we trust in the natural order of things. This state of effortless acceptance of reality enriches our experience of Now, thus making acceptance the most valuable currencies of all.